Careers Advice

Careers at St Thomas More RC College

School careers leader
The careers leader at St Thomas More is Mr L Wright
Mr Wright can be contacted at or via the school telephone number 0161 336 2743
Positive Steps at St Thomas More
In an ever-changing and complex technological world it is more important than ever before that young people get excellent advice and guidance required to ensure that they are able to navigate the huge array of choices available and get the right skills and experience required for future employment.
Paula Cliff from ‘Positive Steps’ is the careers adviser at St Thomas More, offering independent and impartial information, advice, and guidance to pupils on their future career plans.
Paula is based in the office in Roper building each Tuesday and every other Friday [Blue week].
Throughout the year, pupils have the opportunity to meet with Paula in drop-in sessions, workshops, and talks. 
Paula can be contacted via the main office (0161 336 2743) or
As per the Gatsby Benchmarks, each pupil will have a one-to-one careers appointment with Paula which helps pupils develop their ambitions and pathways, together with making well-informed decisions about their futures.
Why is your careers interview with Paula important?
Your appointment with Paula is:
An invaluable opportunity to consider your future plans on a one-to-one basis with a trained, independent and impartial careers specialist,
An opportunity to help raise your aspirations and increase your motivation to achieve well in your GCSE courses and beyond,
A chance to review your post-16 choices and seek specialist advice,
Your chance to consider numerous pathways for your future! 
Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance 
We believe, at St Thomas More, that every pupil should have numerous opportunities to learn about the work of work, employability skills and the qualities that are valued in the workplace in order to increase the self-esteem, self-awareness and self-confidence of our pupils. Through this, we believe our pupils’ aspirations are raised. Pupils can then go on to make informed choices about their futures and continue to develop their employability skills.
Our careers programme is embedded throughout school life and promotes equal opportunities and challenges stereotypical thinking with the aim to open up as many pathways to pupils as appropriate.
Gatsby Benchmarks
We continue to strive to achieve all eight Gatsby Benchmarks at St Thomas More.
The eight benchmarks are:
1. A stable careers programme,
2. Learning from career and Labour Market Information,
3. Addressing the needs of each pupil,
4. Linking curriculum learning to careers,
5. Encounters with employers and employees,
6. Experiences of workplaces,
7. Encounters with further and higher education, and,
8. Personal Guidance
Alumni at STM
We are keen to continue to build our network of alumni. If you are a former student of St Thomas More and would like to know more, or volunteer to come in and speak to our current pupils, please email:
Further Information
For further information, please contact Mr L Wright at